Inscribed in eternal archives, engraved in the blue horizons there are pages of our lives our truth diluted with lies... initials of the fates in letters of various sizes follow the voyage of waves that join into one tsunami dissolving the sea into sky erasing the earth – divider. ...the dictionary DIVINE of destinies named like stars or destines unaccomplished. and last names of our souls embossed with a golden dust shed traces of loss and loves... all that’s left from us when we equal to our past... and water in our seas shines with that golden dust and tears are made of same -- same salt dissolved with light and I wonder HOW He cries turning the pages divine... does HE CRY? CAN He cry? IN Joy or in GRIEF like sky, like mothers when children die, like children when mothers die, like lovers when lovers die, like souls that long for the sky.... DOES God cry? only thru us? or when die the stars? or only when stars stop shining inside us? СAN GOD SMILE? Yes... now I know why (the grief of the loss embossed) HE gave us the empty sky the tearful fragile eye and loves that will never die and souls that will never fly until our names inscribe engraved in His sacred book add one more unfinished life one chapter yet to rewrite by hand of THE HOPE DIVINE... Оnly born into flesh can cry are given the wings to fly to endlessly roam the sky that sheds pure rain into earthly oceans of pain salty waters of seas that taste like our mortal tears and our waves ever shine with mist from THE SMILE DIVINE... |