Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Новые произведения

Автор: Leo Himmelsohn (Лео Гимельзон)Номинация: Любовная лирика


      You tread almost dancing like future and history
   above the sharp stones of our being today.
   My dear, inmost woman, my rib, and my mystery!
   I dread losing you. Love can't be out of date...
   O my dear blue dream so eternal and absolute!
   The wonderful source of my full, lucky life!
   You are or at least seem to be always excellent,
   poetic, my Muse and my spirit, my wife!
   My native Madonna and my nearest relative!
   You change in a moment from desperate, hard
   to honeyed and lead me to kings with such bravery!
   I'm staking my all. You are my only card.
   Inhaling your scent, I am always in happiness.
   I can't slake my thirst. You resemble a sea.
   I understand nothing that's presently happening.
   You are the whole world I remember and see.
   Your voice is exalted, surprising, and musical.
   Your colorful image excites, sings, and plays.
   My essence forgets any fighting and mutiny
   and tries to begin to remarkably blaze.
   The truth should forgive me this open ability
   to see what I think and to do what I wish.
   My faith has the wings of your careful ideality.
   Adoring my goddess I caught my goldfish...

Дата публикации:12.09.2024 19:46