Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Новые произведения

Автор: Skandi SvenssonНоминация: Любовно-сентиментальная проза

Forgive Me Love

      Don't wanna live in torments now -
   I've suffered quite enough.
   I wouldn't change my mind somehow, -
   Oh God, forgive me love!
   My life goes on, but I'm alone,
   I tell You: it's unjust!
   Don't wanna feel it on my own
   Dissatisfying lust.
   He's far away just like that star,
   Which's shining high above.
   Somebody else has got his heart
   And loves him like I love.
   But anyway I'll say goodbye
   To everyone in here
   And go to City justified
   For being with my dear.
   Please, punish me when I am old,
   But only not today!
   Forgive me if You see my fault
   In leading him astray.
   Forgive me pride, forgive me greed
   And any other sin...
   Almighty, will You help us meet?
   Without You I won't win.
   Believe me, I won't ask for more -
   You know it pretty well.
   He is the One I'm longing for
   Ablaze, just like in hell.
   Don't wanna live in torments now -
   I've suffered quite enough.
   I wouldn't change my mind somehow, -
   Oh God, forgive me love!

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