Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Все произведения

Автор: lone_wolfНоминация: Разное


      My heart is locked forever in the castle,
   the one with empty rooms and spirits of the past.
   It seeks salvation in a hustle,
   but chains of misery are nailed to the floor.
   The hungry beasts are servants of the castle,
   its always dark and everlasting nights.
   They let no light,no strangers to the castle,
   and only lonely wolves are welcome in this place.
   But heart is beating and its active,
   the passion burning from within.
   It sees no light,its pain is massive,
   it needs escape but all the roads are blocked.
   The more it suffers,the more it weakens,
   it dreams of missing part,
   the one with key that heals and brightens,
   the one,with tenderness and care.

Дата публикации:30.08.2006 13:18